Monday, November 11, 2013

Glorious Weather

Eleven days into November and we are still having breakfast out in the garden.  I'm thinking we probably should have had a few rainy days by now, but we are loving this.  And the ten day forecast is still dry with days in the low 70's for several of those.

Gracie supervising the hanging
of the pictures.

Finally have all the kids pics hung on the wall.

We have had "the crud" for over two weeks now.  That weird nasty cold that hangs on and every day you seem to crop up with some new aspect of it.  I haven't been sick in about 10 years and may have had a teeny cold that lasted a couple days in there somewhere, but this is a long time.  I haven't been to pilates, no energy and worried that I might be spewing germs all over the place.  We might get out and do a couple errands, and that'll be it for the day.  Or we'll do a bit of yard work and take two days to recover.  Kleenex company loves us and we are about to float with all the tea and water we've been drinking, oh and soup.  It could be worse I'm sure, but I just had to whine a little.  We were hoping to get a few visits in before the holidays, but we've cancelled all the past couple of weeks.

We took a lovely little walk out on the trail yesterday. Larry has gone a few times, he never lets a little germ stop him from doing much, but I'm more into letting my body rest and heal.

We've got a couple of mini trips coming up, Thanksgiving with Lori and a visit to Larry's Aunt and Uncle.  Woo hoo!

Red Breasted Sapsucker
We've been busy, when we've had the energy we've been getting the garden tidied up before bad weather hits.

That's all I've got.

The garden is going golden.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...