This morning while at my kitchen sink I glanced up in time
to see a magnificent buck coming towards me.
He had four to five points on each side of his antlers. He was following a doe, and as I raised my
camera to get his picture a car came down the drive and set him to moving off
quickly for the shelter of the brush line of Manzanita and Toyon.
I then thought of the perfection of a bird nest, or a mantid’s
egg casing and how it remains the same year after year. The design perfect, though the location might
change and the twigs, leaves, fibers of the nest differ from year to year. The deer still graze on what is available,
the coyote still hunts, the mountain lion still stalks. It is the human that gets in the way and
finds their valuable plants eaten, their dog or cat a coyote snack , or their
sheep a lion treat, which makes us angry at nature.
Tastes like honey, yum. |
The human being is an anomaly on this planet. The indigenous peoples live the closest to
the rhythms of nature, but for the most part humans live here totally out of
tune with the planet. Their only concern
is acquiring more of everything. More
space, more rooms, more things, more money and they build bigger, higher,
farther, competing with nature, with each other.
Tearing down the rain forests for grazing land while there
is grazing land in other countries sitting unused because of governmental
regulations is but one example. If we
looked at every countries strong points and exchanged what we had our world
would flourish. If we didn’t worry about
who had more of something, if it wasn't about money, or power the world’s
people could work together for sustenance.
I think the happiest people on our planet today are those
that live in harmony with nature, not influenced by warring factions, acquiring
things or power. They farm, they
manufacture, they exchange, they love and live.
They aren't wasting time watching screens for entertainment and drama.
I think of all the huge rocks flying about in space and how
this ball of “blue” has been missed by the big ones. Even the space rocks, asteroids, comets, follow
paths and patterns; more balance.