Monday, February 04, 2008

Checking in 2-4-08

Thought I would check in real quick. Not much going on here. Our truck is still in the shop waiting for its new fuel injectors, but we should get it back tomorrow hopefully. We miss it. The weather hasn’t been horrible, just the usual cold, breezy and occasional breakthrough of the sun.

Larry finished our computer center on one side of one of the two closets in our bedroom. It is very efficient and we can close it away and now the kitchen table is clear! Waahoo!

Now that I am done putting things away and decorating I am getting down to the things I have been putting off. I am writing and painting. I do both in our third bedroom that we call the “Green Room”. It is a comfy, bright room and nice to hang out in.

This last picture was taken by Larry, he was up early enough to catch the sun slanting through my crackle glass…very nice. He is still busy rearranging stuff in the garage, putting in outlets and light fixtures and getting rid of more stuff on E-bay. We have both decided that a lot less stuff is going back with us into the trailer. Since living on the move for the last four years and seeing the stuff we had in storage and what came out of the trailer we both feel the lack of need for stuff. It is a great feeling to finally disconnect from that “need” of things.

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Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...