On Valentine’s Day I was gifted with this large bouquet of a dozen red roses in a vase of my favorite color! Stunning!
We have had our first overnight guests this weekend. Andrea and Ian drove up on Saturday and are leaving tomorrow. Ian had the whole sand pit of our back yard to play with his remote car and ride his scooter. He put together this puzzle we got him in about 15 minutes and we have played numerous games of Go Fish. We painted pictures and watched two DVD’s today and played Go Fish…did I mention we’ve been playing Go Fish? We will have to get a few more games before he visits again…smile!
After Ian is in bed this is what his Mom was doing…tee hee, you can’t see the popcorn. We really like this split floor plan with company, but Larry really dislikes a lot about this property and we’ll be selling it soon, but now we know what we want and don’t want in our next “home”.
We wanted to go home by way of Ely, north out from Mesquite and then across 50, but too many mountains and too many snow/ice predictions so we came home the same way we went down to Mesquite. We left town at 9:30. We had sunshine but north of Goldfield on 95 we could see the storm clouds. Between Goldfield and Tonopah we hit the wind. It was a brutal headwind at first. Larry went to pass a semi and when he came out from behind the truck the wind just about stopped us. Later the wind changed and came from our east side. Dirt and sand and tumbleweeds were a-blowin. Tumbleweeds that are pulled from the ground by the wind carry rocks with them until they’ve tumbled for awhile, not something I ever thought about. Visibility was poor a couple of times and at some times there was a lot of blowing snow too. Larry was pooped from hanging onto our crazy, bucking wheels. We were really glad we didn’t have the trailer with us, we would have had to wait it out. We saw a few trucks parked into the wind waiting for it to let up. A couple of times the wind would hit so hard it sounded like it was trying to rip off our side mirrors.
By the time we hit Hawthorne it was letting up, but it sure was cold in Fallon compared to what it had been in Mesquite. We hit town just before 5 and after a quick stop at the Safeway for supplies we arrived home.
We got the truck back on Tuesday from the shop, back to running clean and not smoking and fuming us out. We sure missed it; Larry took it down to the car wash and got it all shiny.
We have been warming our bones in Mesquite, Nevada the last few days. We got here on Friday at Larry’s Uncle Gene and Aunt Bonnie’s lovely home. The drive was great…a little wind, sunshine and it got warmer the further south we drove. North Las Vegas is still being built and we love taking County Road 215 (Bruce Woodbury Belt) from 95 over to 15 and not have to go through Las Vegas itself. It took us seven and a half hours or so with minimal stopping. I really dislike traveling without my own bathroom and kitchen…smile! Kinda hard to find a tall enough bush to use as a bathroom along desert highways. They don’t have enough rest areas out here.
It has gotten up to seventy every day, bright blue sky and no wind. We have mostly just sat out on the patio in the sun reading, visiting and Auntie and I doing needlework, great food and great company. Our first morning here we took a walk and Uncle Gene tried to kill me…over four miles, which is not a problem usually but I haven’t walked since November. Today we didn’t walk, but went to St. George in Utah for some shopping.
Thought I would check in real quick. Not much going on here. Our truck is still in the shop waiting for its new fuel injectors, but we should get it back tomorrow hopefully. We miss it. The weather hasn’t been horrible, just the usual cold, breezy and occasional breakthrough of the sun. Larry finished our computer center on one side of one of the two closets in our bedroom. It is very efficient and we can close it away and now the kitchen table is clear! Waahoo!
Now that I am done putting things away and decorating I am getting down to the things I have been putting off. I am writing and painting. I do both in our third bedroom that we call the “Green Room”. It is a comfy, bright room and nice to hang out in. This last picture was taken by Larry, he was up early enough to catch the sun slanting through my crackle glass…very nice. He is still busy rearranging stuff in the garage, putting in outlets and light fixtures and getting rid of more stuff on E-bay. We have both decided that a lot less stuff is going back with us into the trailer. Since living on the move for the last four years and seeing the stuff we had in storage and what came out of the trailer we both feel the lack of need for stuff. It is a great feeling to finally disconnect from that “need” of things.