Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy 4th Birthday Ian! 12-29

Today is Ian’s 4th birthday. He is growing up soooo fast!

This is Ian’s first day.

This is Ian on his first birthday mucking around in his cake.

Ian at almost 2.

Ian at almost 3.

And here is our boy today! Happy Birthday! I was having trouble getting the words to line up correctly with the pictures, so if this didn't work you all will just have to guess. They are in succession.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Merry Christmas! Not too much very exciting going on and with Larry on the computer scanning as many photos as he can before we hit the road again I haven't blogged. We had a lovely family gathering with Larry's side of the family today and there were tons of pictures but these are all I am taking time with now...time to hit the feathers and wait for Santa! Hugs for you all! Have a wonderful day!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Michelle! 12-16

Twenty three years ago today Michelle Marie Moniz made her appearance into our world! Wasn't she precious? Sadly for her Larry has scanned in a lot more pictures then we had scanned in when Andrea's last birthday came around! I had soooo many choices!
Happy Birthday Michelle, we love you!

CA rest area 12-14

For all the miles we have put on, we really haven’t seen too many people doing funny things. And by funny I mean out of the ordinary.

Today we were stopped at a rest area in California, I say this because you might think this was taken in Mississippi or Alabama or somewhere back there.

I like to stand and look out the window when I am eating my cereal at our rest stops. Sometimes the scenery is pretty and sometimes not. This trucker caught my attention because he was rinsing out bottles and pouring stuff on the ground with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I thought maybe it was cleaning solvents or something for his truck and the cigarette was a concern. Larry said one of the bottles looked like mouthwash and by now the guy was scrubbing something in his hand very vigorously and just as I had the thought that, Nooooo, those aren’t his teeth in his hand,... sure enough. It just struck us funny and weird. Out in the parking lot?! Why not in the bathroom, or at least in a bucket or something? Zoom in if you don't believe me.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

last Albany day 12/12

Today is our last day in Albany…this time. Yesterday we spent the day at Seth’s. He was modeling his Mother’s toe socks.

Yesterday also Larry was trying to see under our bed in the slideout to see how bad the water was…we had a pond under there that was growing things. This is the longest time we have been in rainy/cold conditions and we have discovered that our bedroom slide out has a design flaw and funnels water inside. Now we just have to fix it. We would rather do it ourselves…we’ll know it was done right. It is hard leaving all your belongings in a shop. I’ll take pictures and post them in a couple days so those of you that are curious can see what I am talking about.

Larry is getting ready to take the satellite down before it starts raining again. We pull out tomorrow morning and head back to California. Seth is going to miss us! We’ll see him in a week.

This last picture is the scarf I knit for Michelle's birthday. It was neat the way the colors fell! We just got back from taking her out to dinner for her birthday. She turns 23 on Saturday!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Day on the Coast 12-9

Yesterday we got wild and crazy. We got up, saw on the internet that it would be the last rain-free day for at least a week and we skipped exercise and went to the coast! It was foggy and cold here at home, never reached 40 and on the coast it was cloudy but at least 15 degrees warmer. We are only an hour and a half away and a pretty drive. It was high tide and the waves were very large. Not much beach walking was done as there was no beach in most places. After awhile an offshore wind came up and was blowing against the waves, it made them look very interesting. We had lunch at a harbor restaurant that had entertainment. We got to watch the harbor seals fight for a place on the docks. I had the best fish and chips I think I have ever had. It was cooked in Canola oil and they were very light, Larry had a sandwich and clam chowder. The waiter was like a used car salesman with the dessert, but we resisted. Then we walked the harbor and then drove out to one more beach. Then it was a stop at Starbucks and head back home. We stopped for a visit with Seth on the way home. It was still cold and foggy! Rained last night and it warmed up. It felt positively balmy today! Seth is spending the evening and night with us, so this has taken several hours to get pieced together!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Foggy & cold

Today was cold and foggy all day. Our low was 35 and our high was 39…BRRRRRR. When I say foggy, I mean the floaty ground fog type. We went over to Michelle’s this evening for dinner and she even baked us a cake…we had to have a piece…couldn’t insult her hard work…tee hee. We’ll eat nothing but water tomorrow…yeah, right. I captured this picture of a muskrat out of our window yesterday, wish it was better. This other picture is of the pretty sunset we had last night at 4:30.

These last two pictures are of Seth in his Dad’s lunch cooler and playing hide his toys under his shirt from Grandpa.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Quackers 12-5

We have had a few days of sunshine. It has been cold, but with our hats, scarves and gloves we get in a walk most days. The creek picture is the creek that runs right behind us and has calmed down now that we have had a few dry days. All the rest of the pictures are of the park that we walk to and of the wildlife. We saw a couple large muskrats on the bank a few days ago and of course I did not have my camera with me. This weekend the fairgrounds was hosting a Christmas Bazaar so we checked that out at the end of our walk on Sunday. It was inside and had quite a few booths and some wonderful new things that we hadn’t ever seen anywhere before. People are always thinking and creating! Yesterday we did some Grandson-sitting so his Mom could study for an exam. Now that the “new” has worn off, our angel has shown us a few less than angelic moments, but what a character! We are in our last week here already…amazing.


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...