Anyhow. We loved all the beauty of Utah and have been a few days here in Mancos area digging up family history. We got pics in the cemetery and Larry has been unearthing records out of old books at the county offices. We found their farm and the property is still intact though nothing of anything original is there. The people we've talked to are all so nice. WE LOVE it here! Twice we've had to slow down while the cowboys move cattle along the highway...the old fashioned way, on horses.
We've had crazy weather. Hail, snow, rain...cold, cold and hot. Spring is all over the place this year!
I'll share pics from the trip here. I have to share the garden pics soon too! It has been stunning. I've been busy having fun with my business. Loving it and the products still! Amazing stuff.
We've had a great trip, the trailer has been great. We had to get two tires for it in Ely...we were lucky Larry noticed the bulge and we were REALLY lucky they didn't peel out in the middle of nowhere on Nevada's loneliest highway...I-50. They would have done some damage.
More later...hopefully! : )