Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter 3-23-08

With that last picture and no entries since, I’m sure it has seemed that I rode off into the sunset never to be heard from again…..nah.

I happened to be boiling eggs yesterday when I remembered it was Easter so here is my decorative contribution:

We haven’t traveled anywhere in the last month and having finished decorating the house we haven’t done anything worth blogging. I have been painting consistently for the first time since I had taken a few workshops a few years ago. I have a place now where I can just leave all my brushes and paints and work when the “muse” strikes me. I paint with watercolor and as hearts have been a theme all through my life that is what I have started out painting. It has been fun.

My sister Lori snuck out for a weeks visit, she returned home this past Wednesday. We had a good time. She baked, took walks and relaxed. She is a R.N. on an Oncology floor in Columbus, Ohio and she needed a vacation. About the only eventful thing we did while she was here was go to Reno to see and hear an author that we had all read, Lee Carroll. It was a great seminar and we talked about the things we learned there for the next three days! The Dinner Buffet at the Eldorado Hotel and Casino was stupendous! Must be a reflection of the change in the economy…there were LOTS of penny slot machines all over the place!

With the weather getting out of the 20’s in the morning finally and with Lori baking practically every day I got back into walking every day. I had walked a little here and there and Larry has been more faithful about it, but within a few days I was back up to 3 miles a day. It always feels soooo good when we finish!

We are getting the trailer ship shape as we’ll be heading out in a few weeks. With so much of it emptied out it has been easier to give it a good cleaning. We’ll be a lot lighter heading out this time!

This last painting I did for my sister to take home with her!

That’s about all I have to chat about for now. Life is Great!


Happy Groundhog Day!! I will put captions under the pics to try and keep them in order....not that it really matters! Not much new going o...